What is Trademark Revival?

In the event, you find yourself in the midst of a previously abandoned trademark application or failing to file in the necessary documentation on-time, TradeMark Clutch can help you get back on the horse. Currently the USPTO offers a timeline of sixty (60) days before an application is considered completely null and void. A ‘late fee’ is charged to eliminate the possibility of the trademark-in-question to be considered permanently abandoned.

TradeMark Clutch can help you file a petition to review your trademark and adhere to the necessary deadlines. At this point, we recommend writing to us in regard to your application and our ‘Trademark Experts’ can jump on a quick call with you to explain the procedure in-detail.

Trademark Revival

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  • Experienced attorneys protect your registration.

  • Professional trademark revival for $299.00/class + government fee

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Revive your Trademark in 3 Simple Steps

All is not lost just yet, TradeMark Clutch can help you reactivate your trademark and get it to the finish line.


Using a simple form, we gather your requirements and study the prerequisites involved.


With the information collected, we prepare an ideal application required for filing.


We file your application with the USPTO and guide you along the process.


They Have Been Marked Safe, Have You?

Frequently Asked Questions.

Trademark can be a symbol, a combination of words, a design or a logo which helps you distinguish your brand and products from others in the market. Trademark helps a business standout in the market and also protects the rights of the owner.

Registering a trademark grants you complete and secure ownership of your business and brand. It also gives you legal rights and provides protection for your intellectual properties against the illegal infringements.

Yes, without a doubt. You can easily trademark your logo or symbol by following our simple registration process.

The most important reason to register a trademark is to distinguish your product and services from the others, giving it a unique identity. Moreover, it also helps you prevent your competitors to steal your intellectual properties, like your brand name, logo, slogan etc.

In order to get your name approved by U.S Patent and Trademark Office, your trademark name should be one of a kind. It should be distinct from already registered trademarks. Your trademark name shouldn’t be generic or too descriptive. Concise and unique trademark names are more likely to get the approval.

Yes, any of your service or product can easily be trademarked by following 3 simple steps of our trademark registration process.

It is not much of a hassle. You can simply go to our homepage and enter your desired trademark name into our trademark search bar. You will then be entertained with a free trademark search that will help you uncover all the hidden conflicts with your trademark.

In order to initiate the trademark registration process, fill up our simple online questionnaire. When you have answered all the questions and your documents are prepared, we then perform an extensive trademark search to make sure your trademark is not already in use. Once all this is done, we then help you file your trademark application with U.S Patent and Trademark Office in no time.